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Don't let your trademarks be stolen in China!

Start with a MARQ Folio Trademark Scan to see where your trademarks are at risk.

Your trademark deserves protection:
Reveal conflicting marks
Pinpoint trademark squatters in China
Counter infringements to reclaim your rights
Counter infringements to reclaim your rights
Secure your trademarks worldwide

Chosen by the brands shaping tomorrow

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Chosen by the brands shaping tomorrow

Why Register Your Trademarks in China?

Secure your trademark in China before it’s too late

China is a first-to-file country, meaning the first person to file a trademark application for a particular mark is the owner of that mark, even if they were not the first to use it in commerce. Trademark owners need to be proactive in registering their trademarks in China as soon as possible, even if they are not yet doing business there.

Prevent Others From Using Your Trademark

China is a major hub for counterfeit goods, and fashion brands are a prime target. Once your trademark is registered in China, no one else can legally use it without your permission. This is critical for protecting your brand’s identity and reputation in the global market.

Enforce Your Trademark Rights Against Infringers

If someone in China does use your trademarked name, slogans, or logos without your permission, you can take legal action to stop them. This is only possible once your trademark is registered.

Use Your Trademark For Your Goods and Services in China

Registering your trademark in China gives you the exclusive right to use your mark. This means that you can use your mark on your products and services without fear of someone else claiming that you are infringing on their trademark rights.

Ensure Smooth Expansion into China

China is the world's largest consumer market, and the fashion industry is one of the fastest-growing sectors. By registering your trademark in China, you can prevent local competitors from registering a similar mark and using it to confuse your customers. This will help you avoid future legal challenges and ensure that you can operate your business smoothly in the global market.

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Time Could Be Running Out!

The Chinese trademark office has a strict deadline for filing oppositions to conflicting marks. If you do not take steps to oppose the registration of a conflicting mark in China within the statutory deadline, you may lose the right to use your own mark in China.

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Chinese Trademark Registration Made Seamless with MARQ Folio


Submit your application

Submitting an application is simple and fast. With our user-friendly online portal, it takes just a few minutes to enter your details and you’ll see your initial quote right away!

Step 1 Trademark

Receive Chinese Law Firm Assessment

Our partner law firms will assess your application and provide you with a comprehensive analysis and helpful recommendations, ensuring your trademark is filed correctly the first time.

Step 2 Trademark

Upload Documents

Our intuitive online portal guides you every step of the way. Log in to your dashboard to easily view the list of required documents and upload them. You can also keep track of your application's real-time status.

Step 3 Trademark

Wait For The Trademark Office’s Examination

While you focus on growing your business, we'll handle the trademark office's examination process. On average, filing to final approval takes 4 to 12 months.

Step 4 Trademark

Congratulations! Your trademark is now officially yours

Once your trademark is approved, you will receive the certificate of registration. You can manage the certificates from your dashboard and get notifications when they need to be renewed.

Step 5 Trademark

Submit your application

Submitting an application is simple and fast. With our user-friendly online portal, it takes just a few minutes to enter your details and you’ll get your initial quote right away!

Step 1 Trademark

Submit your application

Submitting an application is simple and fast. With our user-friendly online portal, it takes just a few minutes to enter your details and you’ll get your initial quote right away!

Step 1 Trademark

Submit your application

Submitting an application is simple and fast. With our user-friendly online portal, it takes just a few minutes to enter your details and you’ll get your initial quote right away!

Step 1 Trademark

Submit your application

Submitting an application is simple and fast. With our user-friendly online portal, it takes just a few minutes to enter your details and you’ll get your initial quote right away!

Step 1 Trademark

Frequently asked questions

How long is a trademark valid?

Trademark protection typically lasts for a renewable period of 10 years in most countries.

What are trademark classes?

Trademark protection typically lasts for a renewable period of 10 years in most countries.

How much does it cost to acquire a trademark?

Trademark protection typically lasts for a renewable period of 10 years in most countries.

What can I trademark?

Trademark protection typically lasts for a renewable period of 10 years in most countries.

How long does getting a trademark take?

Trademark protection typically lasts for a renewable period of 10 years in most countries.

What steps can Trademark owners take to protect themselves in China?

There are a few things that trademark owners can do to protect themselves in China:

  • Register their trademarks in China as soon as possible.
  • Conduct trademark searches in China to see if there are any conflicting marks already registered.
  • Monitor the Chinese trademark office for any applications that are filed for marks that they own.
  • Be prepared to take legal action if necessary to defend their trademarks against infringement.

By taking these steps, trademark owners can help protect their brands and ensure that they can continue to do business in China.

What is trademark squatting?

Trademark squatting, also known as bad faith filing, is the practice of registering a trademark with the intention of profiting from its resale or preventing the legitimate trademark owner from using it.


The dashboard makes it easy to see progress at a glance, and application-related updates were delivered via e-mail, so we were able to quickly send necessary documents or reply to questions, which made it possible to proceed much more quickly.


With the help of MARQ Folio, we've successfully submitted trademark applications across different countries. Allowing us to be able to focus on what we are best at! The whole process is very convenient and efficient because I could communicate and check the progress through the dashboard in real-time.

Mawang Pork

A concise process. Transparent payment structure. Accurate feedback.