Seller Intel ™

Uncover and stop the biggest threats to your brand

온라인 마켓플레이스별, 지역별, 채널별 흩어져 파악하기 어려웠던 셀러 네트워크를 한눈에 확인보세요.

Reveal more connections between sellers across different marketplaces, regions, and channels than has ever been possible before

Seller Intel Mockup

Seller Intel ™

Uncover and stop the biggest threats to your brand

Reveal more connections between sellers across different marketplaces, regions, and channels than has ever been possible before

See the big picture

MarqVision's Seller Intel™ uses powerful AI models to automatically identify seller connections and give you a clearer high-level picture of the nefarious networks most threatening your brand

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Make more connections with similar data

Identify slight variations in seller data to calculate similarities and group sellers using similar information

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Find more connections with listing data

Analyze listing data that the seller uploads, such as images, titles, and descriptions to cluster sellers using similar listing information

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Designed to fit your unique strategy

Experiment with the level of intelligent inference used to calculate seller network connections in real time within our interactive dashboard

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Build your case against key perpetrators

Collect online and offline identifiers and seller information to support further investigation efforts, legal action, and offline enforcement

Increase seller network connections by up to 10X

Dive deeper into seller associations and discover the true reach of infringing networks

Smarter protection with intelligent inference

Level 1 : Identify identical sellers across marketplaces
Level 2 : Identify related sellers using similar core seller account information
Level 3 : Identify seller networks using identical seller data and similar account information
Level 4 : Identify large networks of sellers using seller account data and AI listing analysis

Traditional methods only scratch the surface

Most seller intelligence data is populated by only identifying identical top-level connections in seller information. This means that you’re only seeing seller network connections at their most basic surface level, providing only a partial picture of the much larger operations hiding beneath.
Sellers Info
Sellers Info
Traditional methods only scratch the surface
Most seller intelligence data is populated by only identifying identical top-level connections in seller information. This means that you’re only seeing seller network connections at their most basic surface level, providing only a partial picture of the much larger operations hiding beneath.
Clustered Seller Feature

Dive deeper with Seller Intel

Seller Intel analyzes seller and listing information to cluster sellers using top-level data, as well as adjustable intelligent inference. Gaining visibility into seller connections that would otherwise be missed using traditional seller intelligence methods.

Protect Your Growth with MarqVision

Book a demo for a review of your brand’s online presence and see how AI can supercharge your brand’s growth.

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